TITRE | ETAT DE COLLECTION | COTE | ADRESSE (ville) | Pacific insects | 1,1959-24,1982 | 1403 | Honolulu |
Pacific naturalist | 1,1959-4,1963 | 1168 | Moss Landing, Calif. |
Pacific science | 1,1947-4,1950 ; 5,1951,n.2-4 ; 6,1952-14,1960;15,1961,n.3;16,1962,n.1-2;17,1963- | 1295 | Honolulu |
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology | 1,1965-146,1999 | 1437 | Amsterdam |
Palao tropical biological station studies | 1937-1940 | 970 | Tokyo |
Papeis avulsos de zoologia (Sao Paulo) | 20,1967- | 580 | Sao Paulo |
Papeis avulsos do Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, Sao Paulo | 9,1950-19,1966 | 580 | Sao Paulo |
Parazitologiceskij sbornik (Leningrad) | 9,1948-36,1989 | 917 | Leningrad |
Patrimoines naturels | 12,1993-(lac.) | | Paris |
Pêche Maritime | 1957-1979;1981-1984(LAC.) | 167 | Paris |
Pêche maritime, la pêche fluviale et la pisciculture [La] | 1930;1948-1950 (Lac.);1952-1956 | 167 | Paris |
Pedobiologia (Jena) | 1,1961-9,1969;11,1971-24,1982;26,1984-42,1998 | 1276 | Jena |
Pelagos | 1,1963-4,1973 | 1351 | Alger |
Penn ar bed (Brest) | 1954-1977 | 1058 | Brest |
Periodico zoologico | 3,1878-1881 | 589 | Cordoba |
Periodicum biologorum | 72,1970- | 873 | Zagreb |
Pflanzenschutzbestimmungen nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes | 1,1949-3,1951 | 285 | Berlin |
Philippine Journal of Fisheries | 1951-1979(LAC.) | 1090 | Quezon City |
Philosophical transactions (1665) | 1,1665-12,1678 | 362 | London |
Philosophical transactions (1682) | 13,1683-66,1776 | 362 | London |
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. | 66,1776-70,1780 | 362 | London |
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. B | 183,1892 | 362 | London |
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences | 229,1939-241,1958(lac.);242,1958-328,1990 | 362 | London |
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing papers of a biological character | 190,1898-223,1934(lac.) | 362 | London |
Philosophical transactions-Royal Society of London. Biological sciences | 329,1990-355,2000 | 362 | London |
Phycologia | 1961-1973;1975-50(1), 2011 | 1308 | Oxford |
Physiologia comparata et oecologia | 1,1948-4,1957 | 777 | Den Haag |
Physiologie végétale (Paris) | 1973-1977 | 1797 | Paris |
Physiology and Ecology Japan | 18,1981-28,1991;30,1993 | 2025 | Kyoto |
Pirineos (Jaca) | 6,1950- | 690 | Jaca |
Plant cell (The) | 17,2005-18,2006 | 2260 | Rockville |
Plant physiology | 137,2005-142,2006 | 69 | Rockville |
Plongées : études & sports sous-marins | 1964-1967 | 1629 | Marseille |
Plongées : le magazine de la mer | 1968-1969 | 1629 | Marseille |
PNDR [Programme National sur le Déterminisme du Recrutement] Informations | n.1,1986- | 2070 | Nantes |
Poeyana (La Habana) | 1970-1990;1993 | 1399 | La Habana |
Poeyana. Serie A | 1964-1970 | 1399 | La Habana |
Poeyana. Serie B | 1,1964-2,1968 | 1399 B | La Habana |
Polar biology | 1,1982-24,2001 | 2030 | Berlin |
Polish ecological studies | 1,1975-8,1982 | 1833 | Warszawa |
Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii | 1,1953- | 854 | Warszawa |
Pomona College Journal of Entomology | 3,1911 | 472 | Claremont |
Popular Science Monthly | 27,30,32,1874-33,1875 | 546 | New York |
Portugaliae Acta biologica | 19,2000- | 653 | Lisboa |
Portugaliae Acta Biologica, Serie A: Morfologia, Fisiologia, Genetica e Biologia Geral | 1,1944-17,1983 | 653 A | Lisboa |
Portugaliae Acta Biologica. Série B : Sistematica, ecologia, biogeografia e paleontologia | 1,1945-18,1999 | 653 B | Lisboa |
Portugaliae zoologica. Série Monografica | 1,1995- | 2208 B | Lisboa |
Posebna izdanja | 1957-1961;39,2001 | 1112 | Beograd |
Postilla | n.1,1950-n.213,1997 | 1462 | New Haven, Conn. |
Pour la Science | 1978,n.5-1989,n.140 (lac.) | 2180 | Paris |
Prace brnensk zakladny Ceskoslovensk akademie ved | 26,1954-34,1962 | 868 | Brno |
Prace Moravsk prirodovedeck spolecnosti | 1924-1945(lac.) | 868 | Brno |
Prace Moravskoslezsk akademie ved prirodnich | 22,1950-25,1953 | 868 | Brno |
Prace morskiego instytutu rybackiego w gdyni | 6,1951-12,1964 | 860 | Warszawa |
Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego. Seria A, Oceanografia i Biologia Rybacka | 13,1965-15,1969 ; 17,1973-18,1976 | 860 | Gdynia |
Prace Morskiego Instytutu Rybackiego. Seria B, Technika Rybacka i Technologia Ryb | 13,1964-18,1979 | 860 | Gdynia |
Prace muzea v Hradci Kralov. Serie A, Vedy prirodni | 1958-1974 | 1159 | Hradec Kralov |
Prace stacji morskiej w Helu | 1934-1938 | 841 | Hel |
Prace Zoologiczne Polskiego Panstwowego Muzeum Przyrodniczego | 1,1921-6,1927 | 842 | Warszawa |
Praktika tes Akademias Athenon | 29,1954-53,1979 | 1017 | Athenai |
Preliminary report of the Hakuko Maru cruise. Ocean research institute | 1987-(lac.) | EXP 64 | Tokyo |
Présentation graphique des résultats bruts | 1974-1976 | 1856 C | Paris |
Prirodovedne prace Ustavu Ceskoslovenske akademie ved v Brne | 1,1967-28,1994 | 868 | Praha |
Problems of ichthyology | 1968-1969 | 1645 | Washington |
Proceedings - Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, University of Miami | 2,1949;5,1952-19,1966 | 501 | Miami |
Proceedings - Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council | 3,1951-17,1976/77 | 438 | Bangkok |
Proceedings - Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission | 19,1980-22,1987 | 438 | Bangkok |
Proceedings - Royal Society. Biological Sciences | 170,1968-265(1391),1998 | 1594 | London |
Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool biological Society | 7,1892;29,1914;55,1947-59,1953 | 404 | Liverpool |
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia | 1883-1909(Lac.);109,1957- | 529 | Philadelphia |
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the National Institute of Arts and Letters | 1887-1927(LAC.);1933-1940(LAC.) | 496 | New York |
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences | 14,1887-62,1927;68,1933-70,1935;74,1940 | 496 | Boston |
Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences | 1900 | 539 | Philadelphia |
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington | 1955-1964(lac.);79,1966-82,1969;83(34),1970;88(22),1975;114,2001-115,2002 | 1517 | Washington |
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences | 5,1895 | 549 | San Francisco |
Proceedings of the Cambridge philosophical society. Biological sciences | 1923-1925 | 357 | Londres |
Proceedings of the general meetings for scientific business of the Zoological society of London | 1900-1936 | 364 | Londres |
Proceedings of the International Association for Biological Oceanography | 1,1971-3,1976 | 1735 | Copenhagen |
Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Scientific Section | 5,1949-11,1983 | 402 | Leeds |
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London | 1966-1968 | 1514 | London |
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales | 25,1900-50,1925 | 408 | Sydney |
Proceedings of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences [The] | 17,1954- | 1515 | Shreveport |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 1,1915-37,1951 | 512 | Washington |
Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Polar Biology | n.1,1987-n.11,1998 | 2089 | Tokyo |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series A, General Entomology | 11,1936;25,1950-27,1952(LAC.) | 397 | London |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy | 18,1949-21,1952(LAC.) | 397 | London |
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series C, Journal of Meetings | 14,1949-16,1952 | 397 C | London |
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B, Biological, geological and chemical science | 43,n.5,1936;44,n.11,1938;53,1949/51-92,1992 | 390 | Dublin |
Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society | 12,1893/94 | 835 | Edinburgh |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius | 1,1950-4,1973 | 432 | Port Louis |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences | 170,1968-240,1990 | 1594 | London |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand | 87,1959-116,1988 | 1396 | Wellington |
Proceedings of the United States National Museum | 4,1881-11,1888(LAC.);23,1901-125,1968 | 497 | Washington |
Proceedings of the Zoological Society | 7,1954-31,1978;35,1982;38,1985-39,1986 | 436 | Calcutta |
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Bengal | 2,1949-6,1953 | 436 | Calcutta |
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1944) | 114,1944-145,1965 | 364 | London |
Proceedings of the Zoological society of London. Series A, General and experimental | 107,1937-111,1941;113,1942/43 | 364 | Londres |
Proceedings of the Zoological society of London. Series B, Systematic and morphological | 107,1937-113,1942/43 | 364 | Londres |
Procès-verbaux de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux | 1951-1964 | 1252 | Bordeaux |
Procès-verbaux des séances mensuelles de la société des sciences naturelles de Tunisie | 1953-1960 | 196 | Tunis |
Progress in biocybernetics | 1,1964-3,1966 | DVI/WIE | Amsterdam |
Progress in oceanography | 1,1963-5,1969;19,n.1,1987;21,n.1,1988 | 2193 | Oxford |
Progress in protistology | 1,1986 ; 3,1989 | BIV/PRO | Bristol |
Progress report - Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research | 1966-1990 | 1884 | Amsterdam |
Progress report - Netherlands Institute of Ecology | 1991- | 1884 | Yerseke |
Progress reports of the Atlantic Coast stations | n.52,1952-n.73,1962 | 453 | Ottawa |
Progress reports of the Pacific Coast stations | n.85,1950-n.113-114,1959 | 451 | Ottawa |
Prospectus for the academic year ... | 1934/35-1938/39;1944/45 | 626 | Le caire |
Protist | 149,n.2,1998 | 290 | Jena |
Protistologica (Paris. 1965) | 1,1965-22,1986 | 1458 | Paris |
Protoplasma | 92,1977-129,1985 | 1862 | Wien |
Ptotistologica (1925) | 1,1925-121,1965 | 15 | Paris |
Pubblicazioni - Centro di Studio per la Biologia. Stazione zoologica di Napoli | 1,1951-6,1984 | 703 | Napoli |
Pubblicazioni - Istituto Sperimentale Talassographico. Trieste | 1919-1992(lac.) | 1043 | Trieste |
Pubblicazioni - Università di Pavia, Istituto Ecologia animale et Etologia | 1,1975;4-5,1978-1980;7,1982/88-8,1988/91 | 1815 | Pavia |
Pubblicazioni del Civico Museo di storia naturale di Ferrara | 4,1954-6,1964 | 739 | Ferrara |
Pubblicazioni dell' Istituto di zoologia e anatomia comparata dell' universita di Padova | 2,1930-4;1932;10,1942/43-11,1944/46 | 740 | Padova |
Pubblicazioni dell' Istituto di zoologia e anatomia comparata e della stazione idrobiologica dell'Università di Padova | 12,1947/49-24,1961 | 740 | Padova |
Pubblicazioni dell' Istituto di zoologia e anatomia comparata e genetica della stazione idrobiologica | 25,1962-30,1967/68 | 740 | Padova |
Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Biologia animale e della Stazione idrobiologica dell'Università di Padova | 31,1969/70-1970/77 | 740 | Padova |
Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di zoologia dell'Universita di Roma | 1965-1970 | 1564 | Roma |
Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di zoologia e anatomia comparata dell'Universita di Bari | 1962-1982 | 1380 | Bari |
Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Zoologia e Anatomia comparata dell'Universita di Trieste | 1,1960-8,1979 | 1356 | Trieste |
Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di Zoologia e della Stazione biologica dell'Università di Cagliari | 1,1946 | 752 | Cagliari |
Pubblicazioni della Stazione zoologica di Napoli | 1,1916-40,1976/77 | 728 | Milano |
Publicaçao - Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha | 1967- | 1590 | Rio de Janeiro |
Publicaçao especial do Instituto Oceanografico | 1972- | 1817 | Sao Paulo |
Publicacion ocasional - Museo nacional de Historia natural | n.1-3,1963;n.21,1975;n.24,1978-n.38,1982 | 1375 | Santiago, Chile |
Publicaciones cientificas - Servicio oceanografico y de pesca | 1949-1956(LAC.) | 598 | Montevideo |
Publicaciones de extension cultural y didactica - Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias Naturales | 1954-1972 | 600 | Buenos Aires |
Publicaciones del Centro Pirenaico de Biologia Experimental | 1,1964-13,1982 | 1658 | Jaca |
Publicaciones del Departamento de Zoologia - Universidad de Barcelona | 1,1976-14,1988 | 676 | Barcelona |
Publicaciones del Instituto de biologia aplicada (Barcelona) | 1,1944-54,1973 | 676 | Barcelona |
Publicaciones del Museo de historia natural "Javier Prado". Serie A, Zoologia | n.4,1950-n.20,1961;n.22,1970;n.24-25,1974 | 624 A | Lima |
Publicaciones del Museo de historia natural "Javier Prado". Serie B, Botanica | n.22,1968-n.30,1980 | 624 B | Lima |
Publicaciones del Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales de Mar del Plata | 1960-1962 | 1401 | Mar del Plata |
Publicaciones especiales - Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia | 1,1978-9,1986 | 1922 | Mexico |
Publicaciones especiales - Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia | n.1,1988- | 2095 | Madrid |
Publicaçoes avulsas - Instituto Nacional de Investigaçao das Pescas | n.1,1982-n.19,1992 | 1981 | Lisboa |
Publicaçoes avulsas - Museu Bocage | n.1,1997- | 645 E | Lisboa |
Publicaçoes avulsas do ipimar | 1994 - 2004 (lac. n° 10, 2004) | 267 | Lisboa |
Publicaçoes avulsas do Museu Nacional | n.13,1954(Lac.)- | 571 | Rio de Janeiro |
Publicaçoes culturais - DIAMANG | 6,1952-89,1977 | 648 | Lisboa |
Publicaçoes do Instituto de Zoologia Dr. Augusto Nobre | n.2,1940;n.4,1941-n.233,1993 | 649 | Porto |
Publication - Field Columbian Museum. Zoological series | 1896-1909 (LAC.) | 1047 | Chicago |
Publication - Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological series (1909) | 7,1910(9)-24,1941 (LAC.) | 1047 | Chicago |
Publication series - Netherlands Institute for Sea Research | 1,1978-24,1996 | 1877 | Den Burg |
Publications de circonstance - Conseil permanent international pour l'exploration de la mer | 1903-1926(LAC.) | 785 | Copenhague |
Publications de l'institut de recherche scientifique : volumes hors série | 1950-1951 | 185 | Tananarive |
Publications de l'institut de recherche scientifique de Madagascar : section de pédologie | 1956-1960 | 1214 | Tananarive |
Publications de la Mission de recherche des Terres Australes et Antarctiques françaises [Les]. Les Rapports des campagnes à la mer | 1982(lac.)- | EXP 66 | Paris |
Publications diverses du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle | 1963-1968(LAC.) | B XII / BAU / c | Paris |
Publications du Centre National pour l'Exploitation des Océans - Rapports économiques et juridiques | n.9,1981 | 1708 | Brest |
Publications du Centre National pour l'Exploitation des Océans - Résultats des campagnes à la mer | n.1,1971-n.29,1984 | 1701 | Brest |
Publications du Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans. Recueil des travaux du Centre océanologique de Bretagne | 1,1972-10,1982 | 1703 C | Paris |
Publications du Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans. Série Actes de colloques | 1,1974-15,1983 | 1707 | Paris |
Publications du Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans. Série Rapports scientifiques et techniques | 1,1971-55,1984 | 1703 B | Paris |
Publications du Laboratoire d'histologie de l'Université de Montpellier | 1,1930-5,1937 | 127 | Montpellier |
Publications from the Akkeshi marine biological station | 1951-1965 | 1361 | Sapporo |
Publications from the Amakusa marine biological laboratory. | 1,1966-12,1996 | 1620 | Tomioka |
Publications from the biological station, Espegrend | 1952-1960 | 815 | Bergen, oslo |
Publications in Biological Oceanography. National Museum of Natural Sciences (Ottawa) | 1,1970-11,1982 | 1719 | Ottawa |
Publications in natural sciences | 1,1983- | 2055 | Ottawa |
Publications of the Institute of Marine Science | 1,1945-11,1966 | 466 | Port Aransas, Tex. |
Publications of the Marine Biological Station, al-Ghardaqa, Red Sea | n.1,1939-n.14,1967 | 627 | Cairo |
Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory | n.1,1922-n.16,1923;n.51,1935-n.74,1956(Lac.) | 455 | Toronto |
Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory | 1,1949- | 987 | Wakayama |
Publikaties van het Natuurhistorisch genootschap in Limburg | 3,1950-35,1985 | 776 | Maastricht |
L'état de collection se lit, par exemple, ainsi :
1980- Collection complète depuis 1980 et toujours en cours
1981-1984 Collection complète de 1981 à 1984 et arrêtée
1980 Seulement l'année 1980