TITRE | ETAT DE COLLECTION | COTE | ADRESSE (ville) | J.L.B. Smith institute of ichthyology. Occasional papers. | 17,1970-18,1972 | 1863 | Grahamstown |
Jaarverslag - Instituut voor toegepast biologisch onderzoek in de natuur | 1950-1968(LAC.) | 773 | Arnhem |
Jahrbuch des Naturhistorischen Museums Bern | 1,1960-8,1983 | 349 | Bern |
Jahrbuch des Oberosterreichischen Musealvereines | 95,1950-111,1966 | 279 | Linz |
Jahrbuch des Oberosterreichischen Musealvereines. Abhandlungen | 1967-1981 | 279 | Linz |
Jahrbuch des Oberosterreichischen Musealvereines. Berichte | 1967-1981 | 279 | Linz |
Jahrbuch für Morphologie und mikroskopische Anatomie. 2. Abteilung, Zeitschrift für mikroskopisch-anatomische Forschung | 1924-1928(LAC.) | 264 | Leipzig |
Jahresbericht - Biologische Anstalt Helgoland | 1966- | 1635 | Hamburg |
Jahresbericht der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Braunschweig | 1950-1980 | 284 | Berlin |
Jahresbericht der Zoologischen Staatssammlung | 1969-1974 | 1811 | München |
Jahresbericht des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes | 9,1960-26,1979 | 287 | Braunschweig |
Jahresberichte der Pflanzenschutzamter | 1,1952-8,1959 | 287 | Braunschweig |
Jahresberichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Wuppertal | 1959- | 1440 | Wuppertal |
Jaina | 1,1990- | 2132 | Campeche, Camp |
Japanese journal of Ecology | 13,1963-55,2005 | 1355 | Kyoto |
Japanese Journal of Zoology | 1922-1974(LAC.) | 976 | Tokyo |
JARE data reports | 75//1,1982- | EXP 50 | Tokyo |
JARE Scientific reports. Series E. Biology. | 18,1963-31,1970 | EXP.50 | Tokyo |
Jeddah journal of marine research | 1,1981 | 2043 | Jeddah |
Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft | 8,1874-61,1925 | 263 | Jena |
Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft | 1,1864-7,1873 | 263 | Leipzig |
Jeomorfoloji Dergisi | 1971-1973 | 1812 | Ankara |
JGOFS report | 1,1988- | EIII/PRO | Halifax, N.S. |
John Murray expedition, 1933-34. Scientific reports | 1,1935-11,1967 | EXP 20 | London |
Jornal de Sciencias mathematicas, physicas y naturaes | 1,n.3,4,1889/90 | 636 | Lisboa |
Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Western Australia | 1,1914-10,1923/24 | 1147 | Perth, W.A |
Journal de Conchyliologie | 1,1850-115,1979 | 8 | Paris |
Journal de Microscopie | 1,1962-21,1974 | 1306 | Paris |
Journal de Microscopie et de Biologie cellulaire | 22,1975-27,1976 | 1306 | Ivry-sur-Seine |
Journal de Recherche océanographique | 1,1976- | 1848 | Paris |
Journal de Zoologie, comprenant les différentes branches de cette science | 1,1872-5,1876 | 23 | Paris |
Journal des Recherches du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | 1946-1964 | 104 | Paris |
Journal du C.N.R.S. | 1988- | 2100 | Paris |
Journal du Conseil - Conseil international pour l'exploration de la mer | 32,1968,n.2-47,1991 | 784 | Copenhague |
Journal du Conseil - Conseil permanent international pour l'exploration de la mer | 1,1926-32,1968,n.1 | 784 | Copenhague |
Journal ivoirien d'Océanologie et de Limnologie | 1,1991-3, n°1,1998 | 1801 | Abidjan |
Journal of Faculty of Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie-Tsu | 1,1950-9,1974 | 988 | Tsu |
Journal of Anatomy and Physiology normal and pathological | 13,1879-26,1892 | 372 | London |
Journal of Anatomy and Physiology [The] (1866) | 11,1876-12,1878 | 372 | London |
Journal of Animal Ecology | 1,1932-68,1999 | 381 | Oxford |
Journal of Applied Ecology | 1,1964-33,1996 | 1404 | Oxford |
Journal of applied Ichthyology | 21,2005- | 1263 | Berlin |
Journal of applied Microbiology | 96,2004- | 2254 | Oxford |
Journal of biological chemistry | 254 (1) 1979 - 276 (3) 2001 | 548 | Bethesda |
Journal of Biological Chemistry [The] online | | 76,2001 | |
Journal of Biological Research | 1,2004- | 2255 | Thessaloniki |
Journal of Cephalopod Biology | 1,1989-2,1993 | 2258 | St. John's Newfoundland |
Journal of crustacean Biology | 1,1981-21,2001 | 1953 | [S.l.] |
Journal of Ecology | 2,1914-3,1915;21, 1933-25,1937;29,1941;39,1951-95,2007 | 382 | Oxford |
journal of Entomological and Acarological Research | 2010 42(1) - | Pr 743 | Milano |
Journal of eukaryotic Microbiology [The] | 40,1993-52,2005 | 1730 | Lawrence, Kan. |
Journal of evolutionary biology | 1988-1998 | 960 | Oxford |
Journal of Experimental Biology | 7,1930-200,1997;203,2000-212(4),2009 | 358 | London |
Journal of experimental marine Biology and Ecology | 1,1967-397, 2011 | 1560 | Amsterdam |
Journal of experimental Zoology [The] | 44,1926-282(3),1998 | 515 | New York |
Journal of experimental Zoology. Supplement | 1,1987-5,1990 | 515 | Philadelphia |
Journal of Fish Biology | 1,1969-5,1973;7,1975-71,2008 | 1671 | London |
Journal of General Microbiology | 1957-1971 | 1298 | London |
Journal of Ichthyology | 10,1970-36,1996 | 1645 | Silver Spring, Md. |
Journal of Insect Physiology | 1957-1981(LAC.) | 1059 | London |
Journal of Limnology | 58,1999- | 750 | Verbania Pallanza |
Journal of marine Research | 1,1937- | 537 | New Haven, Conn. |
Journal of marine Systems | 1,1990-87(2), 2011 | 2133 | Amsterdam |
Journal of medical Entomology | 1,1964-31,1994 | 1394 | Honolulu |
Journal of molecular Evolution | 20 (3-4);23,1986-51,2000 | 2057 | Berlin |
Journal of Morphology (1887) | 1,1887-38,1924 | 513 | Boston |
Journal of Morphology (1931) | 52,1931-178,1983;183,1985-223,1995 n.2;263,2005- | 513 | Philadelphia, Pa. |
Journal of Morphology and Physiology | 39,1924-51,1931 | 513 | Philadelphia, Pa. |
Journal of Oceanography | 48,1992-59,2003 | 1391 | Tokyo |
Journal of Parasitology [The] | 1960-1983(6) | 1521 | Lawrence, Kan. |
Journal of Phycology | 13,1977-46(6), 2010 | 1883 | New York |
Journal of physical Oceanography | 8,1978-12,1982 | 2171 | Boston |
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry | 52,1996-59,2003 | 677 | Pamplona |
Journal of Plankton Research | 1,1979- | 1912 | New York |
Journal of Protozoology [The] | 15,1968-39,1992 | 1730 | Lawrence, Kan |
Journal of Science of the Hiroshima university, Series B, Division 1: Zoology | 1,1930-8,1940;11,1949-34,1990 | 972 | Hiroshima |
Journal of Sea Research | 35,1996;36,n.3/4,1996;37,1997-65(1), 2011 | 1307 | Texel |
Journal of Shellfish Research | 9(1),1990-24(1),2005 | 553 | |
Journal of the Biological Board of Canada | 1,1934-3,1936/37 | 446 | Toronto |
Journal of the College of Science, Imperial university of Tokyo | 1896-1914(LAC.) | 978 | Tokyo |
Journal of the experimental Analysis of Behavior | 1,1958-66,1996 | 1570 | Bloomington, Ind. |
Journal of the Faculty of Applied biological Science, Hiroshima University | 18,1979-36,1997 | 1565 | Fukuyama |
Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University | 1,1955-17,1978 | 1565 | Fukuyama |
Journal of the Faculty of marine Science | 3,1983 | 2043 | Jeddah |
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido university, Series 5: Botany | 14,1988- | 973 B | Sapporo |
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido university, Series 6: Zoology | 9,1948,n.4-25,1990 | 973 | Sapporo |
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Niigata University, series 2. Biology, Geology, and Mineralogy | 1954-1960 | 986 | Niigata |
Journal of the Faculty of Science, university of Tokyo, Section 4: Zoology | 1,1926-16,1986 | 978 | Tokyo |
Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada | 4,1938;8,1950-36,1979 | 446 | Ottawa, Ont |
Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology | 1961-1968 | 1389 | London |
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | 1,1887;N.S. 1,1889- | 361 | London |
Journal of the oceanographical Society of Japan | 19,1963/64-47,1991 | 1391 | Tokyo |
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand | 1,1971-22,1992,n.1 | 1333/1 | Wellington |
Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia | 11,1925- | 1147 | Perth |
Journal of the Tokyo University of Fisheries | 49,1963-90,2003 | 1418 | Tokyo |
Journal of the Tokyo University of Fisheries. Special edition | 9,1968 | 1823 | Tokyo |
Journal of Zoology (1965) | 146,1965-204,1984 | 364 | London |
Journal of Zoology (1987) | 211,1987- | 364 | London |
Journal of Zoology. Series A | 205,1985-210,1986 | 364 | London |
Journal of Zoology. Series B | 1,1985/1987 | 364 B | London |
L'état de collection se lit, par exemple, ainsi :
1980- Collection complète depuis 1980 et toujours en cours
1981-1984 Collection complète de 1981 à 1984 et arrêtée
1980 Seulement l'année 1980