TITRE | ETAT DE COLLECTION | COTE | ADRESSE (ville) | I.A.B.O. Proceedings. | 1971- | 1735 | Kobenhavn |
ICES journal of marine science | 48,1991-55,1998 | 784 | London |
ICES marine science symposia | 192,1991- | 782 | Copenhagen |
Ichthyological bulletin | 1956-1968 | 1268 | Grahamstown |
Ichthyological bulletin of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology | 1972-72,2001 | 1268 | Grahamstown |
IMS newsletter | n.14,1977-n.77,1996 | 1491 A | Paris |
Indo-Malayan Zoology | 1,1984-5,1988 | 1994 | Rotterdam |
Indo-Pacific mollusca | 1959-1973 | BVIIa/IND | Greenville, Del |
Information Bulletin on Planktology in Japan | 14,1967 | 1867 | Hakodate |
Informationen aus der Fischereiforschung | 52,2005- | 1208 | Hamburg |
Informationen für die Fischwirtschaft | 6,1959-38,1991 | 1208 | Hamburg |
Informationen für die Fischwirtschaft aus der Fischereiforschung | 39,1992-51,2004 | 1208 | Hamburg |
Informations de la Société belge de malacologie | 1972-1973 | 1768 | Waterloo |
Informatore del giovane entomologo | 1,1960-25,1984 | 1249 | Genova |
Informe - Instituto de investigacion de los recursos marinos (Callao) | 25-28,1964 | 1445 | Callao |
Informe - Instituto del mar del Peru (Callao) | 1,1965-151,2000 | 1445 | Callao |
Informe cientifico-tecnico - Instituto de Oceanologia | n.11,1977-n.187,1981(LAC.) | 1957 | La Habana |
Informe cientifico-tecnico - Instituto de Zoologia | n.111,1980-n.194,1982(LAC.) | 1958 | La Habana |
Informe tecnico - Direccion general de Desarrollo pesquero | 1976-1980 | 1636 | Caracas |
Informe tecnico - Oficina Nacional de Pesca | 1973-1976 | 1636 | Caracas |
Informe tecnico - Proyecto de Investigacion y Desarrollo Pesquero MAC-PNUD-FAO | 1968-1973 | 1636 | Caracas |
Informes tecnicos - Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia | 1,1982- | 2003 | Madrid |
Informes tecnicos del Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras (Barcelona) | 1972-1982(lac.) | 2016 | Barcelona |
INIDEP Documento cientifico | 1,1993-5,1999 | 1320 | Mar del Plata |
Initiations africaines | 1,1948-3,1950;5,1951;8,1951;15-16,1958 | 177 | Dakar |
Insecta Matsumurana | 1,1926- | 1191 | Hokkaido |
Insecta Matsumurana. Supplement | 1,1966-11,1973 | 1191 B | Sapporo |
Insectes sociaux | 1,1954-30,1983;38(1),1991 | 1051 | Paris |
Institut océanographique de Nha-Trang. Notes | n.45,1955-n.46,1957 | 212 | Nha-Trang |
Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo, Split. Izvjesca. Reports | 1,1977,n.1-2;1,1956,n.3-6,1960 | 886 | Split |
Instituto nacional de pesca. Serie informacion | 1972-1976(lac.) | 1733/4 | Mexico |
Intermédiaire des Biologistes [L'] | 1897-1899 | 18 | Paris |
International Catalogue of scientific Literature. N, Zoology | 1,1904-9,1911;11,1912-12,1913 | 407 | London |
International Journal of Acarology | 1,1975-24,1998 | 1852 | Oak Park, Mich. |
International Journal of developmental Biology | 33,1989;37,1993-42,1998;44,2000-47(4),2003 | 2246 | Bilbao |
International Journal of Entomology | 25,1983-27,1985 | 1403 | Honolulu, Hawaii |
International Journal of environmental Studies | 8,1975-36,1990 (LAC.) | 1927 | New York |
International Journal of invertebrate Reproduction | 1,1979-6,1983 | 1920 | Amsterdam |
International Journal of invertebrate Reproduction and Development | 7,1984-14,1988 | 1920 | Amsterdam |
International Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 1,1967 | 1568 | Haddonfield |
International Journal of Speleology | 1,1964-2,1967;3,1968-4,1972(lac.);10,1978-11,1981 | 1427 | Lisse |
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 53,2003-54,2004 | 2248 | Reading |
International marine Science | 2,1964-3,1965(LAC.);4,1966-7,1969 | 1491 | Paris |
International Review of general and experimental Zoology | 1964-1969 | 1510 | New York |
International Review of Hydrobiology | 83,1998-90,2005 | 1217 | Berlin |
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie | 44,1959-82,1997 | 1217 | Berlin |
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie | 1,1908-12,1924 | 1217 | Leipzig |
Internationale Revue der gesamten hydrobiologie und hydrographie. Biologisches beihefte | 3,1911 | 1217 B | Berlin |
Internationale Revue der gesamten hydrobiologie und hydrographie. Hydrographisches beihefte | 1911-1914 | 1217 B | Berlin |
Internationale revue der gesamten hydrobiologie und hydrographie. Systematische beihefte | 1962-1967 | 1217 B | Berlin |
Invertebrate Reproduction & Development | 15,1989-49,2006 | 1920 | Rehovot |
Invertebrate Taxonomy | 1,1987;10,n.3,1996 | 2080 | Melbourne |
Investigacion Pesquera | 1,1955-52,1988 | 693 | Barcelona |
Investigacion Pesquera (Santiago) | 31,1984- | 2037 | Santiago |
Investigaciones de la Estacion limnologica de Patzcuaro | n.1,3,5,7,1941 | 584 | [S.l.] |
Investigaciones marinas | 1,1970-8,1980 ; 13,1985- | 1763 | Valparaiso |
Investigaciones marinas CICIMAR | 2,1985-10,1995 | 2114 | La Paz |
Investigaciones Pesqueras | 1967-1967 | 1453 | Caracas |
Investigaciones zoologicas chilenas | 1,n.2-5,1950/51 | 620 | Santiago |
Investigational Report - Fisheries and marine biological Survey Division | N.1,1935-n.13,1950 | 429 | Pretoria |
Investigational Report - Marine research Laboratory | 1958-1959;1967-1969 | 1605 | Windhoek |
Investigational Report - Sea Fisheries Branch | n.101,1973-n.120,1979 | 429 | Cape Town |
Investigational Report - Sea Fisheries Institute (Cape Town) | n.121,1980- | 429 | Cape Town |
Investigational Report - South Africa Division of Sea Fisheries | n.14,1953-n.100,1973 | 429 | Pretoria |
Investigations of Indiana Lakes and Streams | 3,1949-7,1966 | 528 | [S.l.] |
Irene McCulloch Foundation Monograph Series | n.1,1992- | 2149 | Los Angeles |
Irish Fisheries Bulletin | 22,2005- | 2214 | Galway |
Irish Fisheries Investigations. New Series | 1,1996- | 1934 | Dublin |
Irish fisheries Investigations. Series A, Freshwater | 1,1965-37,1994 | 1934 A | Dublin |
Irish fisheries Investigations. Series B, Marine | 2-3,1967;9,1973-43,1995 | 1934 B | Dublin |
Irish Naturalists' Journal | 13,1959-27,2004 | 1465 | Belfast |
Israel Journal of Agricultural Research | 11,1961-23,1973/74 | 661 | Bet Dagan |
Israel Journal of Zoology | 12,1963-41,1995 | 1195 | Jerusalem |
Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh | 40,1988-45,1993;46,n.2,1994 | 1081 | Nir David |
Istanbul universitesi fen Fakultesi Hidrobiologi arastirma enstitüsü yayinlarindan | 1,1952-6,1970; N.S. n.1,1970-n.19,1976 | 913 | Istanbul |
Istanbul üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi mecmuasi. Seri B: Tabii ilimler | 5,1940-41,1976 | 912 | Istanbul |
Istituto di botanica [Pubblicazione]. | 1,1961-152,1980 | 1371 | Trieste |
Italian Journal of Zoology [The] | 63,1996-70,n.1,2003 | 1309 | Modena |
Izvestia na Zoologiceskia institut | 1,1951-41,1974 | 895 | Sofia |
Izvestiya na zoologicheskiya institut s muzei | 1951-1974 | 895 | Sofia |
L'état de collection se lit, par exemple, ainsi :
1980- Collection complète depuis 1980 et toujours en cours
1981-1984 Collection complète de 1981 à 1984 et arrêtée
1980 Seulement l'année 1980