TITRE | ETAT DE COLLECTION | COTE | ADRESSE (ville) | Galathea report | 1,1957-18,2000 | EXP48 | Leiden |
Galaxea | 1,1982-13,1996 | 1962 | Motobu-cho, Okinawa-ken |
Gayana | 63,1999;65,2001 | 1288 | Concepcion |
Gayana. Botanica | 1,1961-51,1994 | 1289 | Concepcion |
Gayana. Miscelanea | 1,1971 ; 4,1975-9,1988 | 1288 A | Concepcion |
Gayana. Oceanologia | 1,1992-2,1994 | 1288 B | Concepcion |
Gayana. Zoologia | 1,1961-62,1998 | 1288 | Concepcion |
Gegenbaurs morphologisches Jahrbuch (1903) | 31,1903-70,1932 | 265 | Leipzig |
General and comparative endocrinology | 1,1961-93,1994 | 1282 | New York |
General and comparative endocrinology. Supplement | 1,1962 | 1282 | New York |
General Series Circular - Fisheries Research Board of Canada | n.20,1952-n.57,1972(Lac.) | 452 | Ottawa |
Genetics | 64,1970-72,1972;79,1975-159,2001 | 2226 | Austin |
Geo Marine Technology | 1,1964-3,1967 | 1432 | Washington |
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 34,1970-63,1999(LAC.) | 2188 | Oxford |
Geodiversitas | 19,1997 | 41/2) | Paris |
Géologie méditerranéenne | 1,1974-15,1988 | 103 B | Aix-en-Provence |
German Antarctic research report to SCAR | 12,1990-15,1993 | 2163 | Bremerhaven |
Gesammelte Sonderdrucke aus dem Institut für Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaft der Universitat Hamburg | 1966-1981 | 1531 | Hamburg |
Gewasser und Abwasser | 1,1953-68/69,1982 | 1178 | Krefeld-Hüls |
Gidrobiologiceskij zurnal (Kiev. 1965) | 1,1965-40,2004 | 1426 | Kiev |
Giornale botanico italiano | 107,1973-114,1980(lac.) | 1366 | Firenze |
Glasnik biologske sekcije. Periodicum biologorum | 1948-1953 | 873 | Zagreb |
Glasnik Prirodnjackog Muzeja Srpske Zemlje. Serija A: Mineralogija, geologija, paleontologija | 1948-1949;1955-1956 | 890 | Beograd |
Glasnik Prirodnjackog muzeja Srpske zemlje. Serija B. Bioloske nauke | 1949-1958(LAC.) | 890 | Beograd |
Glasnik Prirodnjackog muzeja u Beogradu. Serija B. Bioloske nauke | 1959-1972 | 890 | Beograd |
Global and planetary change | 1,1989-19,1998 | 1437 | Amsterdam |
Global ocean ecosystems dynamics report | 1-5,1991 | 2177 | Washington |
Godisnjak Bioloskog instituta u Sarajevu | 3,1950-10,1957 | 887 | Sarajevo |
Godisnjak Bioloskog instituta Univerziteta u Sarajevu | 11,1958-34,1981;37,1984-38,1985 | 887 | Sarajevo |
Goteborgs kungl. vetenskaps- och vitterhets-samhalles handlingar. Ser. B, Matematiska och naturvetenskapliga skrifter | 1950-1964 | 806 | Goteborg |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Workshop Series | n.2,1978-n.3,1979 | 1984 | Townsville |
Gulf research reports | 1,1963-8,1985(lac.) | 1669 | Ocean Springs, Miss |
Gunneria | 26,1976-76,1999(LAC.) | 1909 | Trondheim |
L'état de collection se lit, par exemple, ainsi :
1980- Collection complète depuis 1980 et toujours en cours
1981-1984 Collection complète de 1981 à 1984 et arrêtée
1980 Seulement l'année 1980