This identification key was created with the software Xper2.
It is now hosted in the new biodiversity collaborative management platform Xper3
This web platform is dedicated to taxonomic descriptions and computer-aided-identification, and allows collaborative descriptive data edition. It is a free access software and requires no special computer skills.
How to to access the first time to the interactive key:
1. Send your email adress to
2. Once we have allowed your email, you will receive an email from
3. Create your account as mentioned in this email. Or go the Xper3 site,click to the "Sign in" button and register your account.
4. Log in.
5. You will be able to use the key in identification mode. You will also be able to create your own keys if you like and to share them!
After the first access, go directly to:
Log in the Xper3 site to access the key for identification mode
For any question or comment about the key and its use, please send an email to