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Article 2

Antibacterial and algicidal properties of some brown seaweeds from northern coasts of Tunisia

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Y. Ben Redjem1, L. Ktari*1, A. Medhioub, M. S. Romdhane, H. Langar1, M. El Bour1
1 Institut National des Sciences et Technologie de la Mer, 28 rue du 2 Mars 1934, 2035 Salammbô, Tunis, Tunisie
2 Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, 43 avenue Charles Nicolle 1082, Tunis, Tunisie
* Corresponding author: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

ABSTRACT – Organic extracts of eleven species of macroalgae, collected from northern coasts of Tunisia, belonging to the class Phaeophyceae were studied for their antibacterial and algicidal activity (Cutleria multifida, Dictyopteris membranacea, Dictyota fasciola, Padina pavonica, Cystoseira compressa, Cystoseira sp., Sargassum vulgare, Colpomenia sinuosa, Scytosiphon lomentaria, Cladostephus hirsutus and Stypocaulon scoparium). For antibacterial activity, the highest inhibitions were obtained for the Cutleriales and Dictyotales. Scytosiphonales species on the other hand gave the best inhibition against the diatom Chaetoceros calcitrans. These results are encouraging for a possible use of Tunisian seaweeds as a source of bioactive compounds.

You are here: Volume 63 (2013) Issue 3 / 4 Article 2
Vie et Milieu
Observatoire Océanologique - Laboratoire Arago - Sorbonne Université
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer - France

Managing Editor
Franck Lartaud
Phone: (33) (0)4 30 19 24 52

Editorial Secretary
Véronique Arnaud
Phone: (33) (0)4 68 88 73 29 (morning)