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Article 1

Area -effect in breeding bird communities occurring in an archipelago of urban holm oak fragments (Rome, Central Italy)

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E. Arca1, C. Battisti2,4*, F. Fraticelli3,4
1 Environmental Education Centre “Cascata delle Marmore” Via Valnerina, 52, 05100 Terni (Italy); present address: Strada di Predaro, 10 - 05100 Terni, Italy
2 Environmental Service (“protected areas-regional parks”), Province of Rome, via Tiburtina, 691, 00159 Rome, Italy
3 Fondazione Bioparco di Roma, viale del Giardino Zoologico 20, 00197 Rome, Italy
4 Stazione Romana Osservazione e Protezione Uccelli, Rome, Italy
* Corresponding author: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

ABSTRACT. – We carried out a study on breeding bird communities occurring in an archipelago of 32 holm oak fragments in an urbanized landscape (Rome, central Italy). The log-transformed species-area relationship is comparable with other “insular” situations obtained from analogous mainland fragmented landscapes. We observed a quick decrease of species number when area size is lower than 2 hectares, with a significant threshold at 1 ha, unlike rural areas in which a quick species decrement occurs on a higher area size range (< 10 hectares). Species appear differently sensitive to area size of the fragments with significant responses in Dendrocopos major, Aegithalos caudatus, Sitta europaea, Parus major, Certhia brachydactyla and Fringilla coelebs. Considering the recreational role of the biodiversity for human populations inhabiting large metropolitan areas, the threshold in size (about 1 ha in fragment area) evidenced in this study may be useful for urban park management strategies.

You are here: Volume 62 (2012) Issue 4 Article 1
Vie et Milieu
Observatoire Océanologique - Laboratoire Arago - Sorbonne Université
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer - France

Managing Editor
Franck Lartaud
Phone: (33) (0)4 30 19 24 52

Editorial Secretary
Véronique Arnaud
Phone: (33) (0)4 68 88 73 29 (morning)