Article 1
Luticola deniseae sp. nov. A new epizoic diatom from the Rio Negro (Amazon hydrographic basin)

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C. E. Wetzel1,3*, B. Van De Vijver2, L. Ector3
1 Instituto de Botânica, Seção de Ecologia, Post-graduate program on ‘Biodiversidade Vegetal e Meio Ambiente’, Av. Miguel Stéfano 3687, CEP 04301-012, São Paulo, SP Brazil
2 National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Department of Bryophyta & Thallophyta, Domein van Bouchout, B-1860 Meise, Belgium
3 Department of Environment and Agro-biotechnologies (EVA), Public Research Centre - Gabriel Lippmann, Rue du Brill 41, L-4422 Belvaux, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
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ABSTRACT. – Luticola deniseae sp. nov. is described from the Rio Negro basin (Amazon, Brazil), where it was found in abundance living, epizoically on the carapaces of the freshwater turtle Podocnemis erythrocephala. The detailed morphology of this epizoic diatom is examined using both light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and compared to similar Luticola species. The main morphological features of L. deniseae include the presence of thickened valve apices, a transapically elongated stigma and a rather low number of areolae per stria (3-5).