Article 8
Release experiments with Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 in Galicia, NW Spain. First results on recapture rate, distribution

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ABSTRACT. – This paper describes the release experiments carried out with 465 octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) with an average weight ranging from 703 to 986 g in three different areas in the Ría of Vigo, Galicia, NW Spain. Thirty-seven individuals were recaptured by fishermen, representing a total recapture rate of 7.9 %. Among these, 80.5 % remained within 5 km of the release point, showing a sedentary behavior. The specific growth rate (SGR) in weight was 0.00902 ± 0.00468; there was not a significant difference between males and females. The exponential growth curve is the best fitting theoretical model. Life expectancy in Ría de Vigo waters was estimated at 18 months for males, and 16 months for females. Throughout the recapture process, males were predominant over females, giving a sex ratio of 1.83:1. Data reported in this paper on recapture rate, sedentary behavior and instantaneous growth rate can be used as reference for future stocking programs in Galicia.