Article 6
Contribution to the study of coastal rivers and associated prodeltas to sediment supply in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea)

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ABSTRACT. – Sedimentation in the Gulf of Lions, north-western Mediterranean Sea, is influenced mainly by the Rhone River, one of the largest in the Mediterranean, and by several small torrential rivers along the Languedoc-Roussillon coast. These coastal rivers are characterised by strong inter-annual variability of their liquid and suspended solid discharge. These rivers are generally associated in the inner-shelf area to a distinct deposit, commonly named prodelta, of sedimentary material and associated pollutants. Sediment supplies from all coastal rivers of the gulf are estimated over the last 30 years, from an updated data set of their liquid discharge and correspondent suspended sediment concentration. Maximum mass accumulation rates derived from 210Pb dating method on sediment cores were estimated on the Tet and Aude prodeltas, which collect the inputs from the Tet River and the central rivers of the Gulf of Lions respectivel y. Secular sedimentation rates ranged from 0.07 to 0.12 cm/yr. The comparison of the annual sediment mass buried in these prodeltas with respect to the average suspended solid river disc h a rges, suggests that 20% (~12 x 106 kg/yr) and 45% (~182 x 106 kg/yr) of the continental material introduced in the coastal area are trapped in the Tet and Aude prodeltas respectively.