Article 2
Temporal succession of the macroinvertebrate fauna in a Corsican temporary pond

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ABSTRACT. – During the years 2001-2002, macroinvertebrate fauna of a temporary pond of Corsica has been studied from the filling to the drying of the pond. Approximately 1400 individuals belonging to 40 taxa were recorded during the study. Insects counted 35 taxa including 16 Coleoptera ones. Bothromesostoma personatum and Castrada cristatispina (Rhabdocoela) were recorded for the first time in Corsica. The numbers of taxa were lowest during both the filling and just before the drought of the pond, whereas the greatest numbers of taxa were recorded after fall and spring rains. Five ecological phases, with contrasting fauna structure, composition, trophic organization and abiotic features, were identified during the pond life. Detritivores and o rganisms belonging to the group 1 of Wiggins characterized the immature pond. Conductivity and TDS exhibited low values. Fauna and abiotic features of the filling phase and these occurring after spring rains exhibited a certain similarity, revealing a rejuvenation of the pond. In a more mature pond, predators and organisms belonging to the groups 3 and 4 of Wiggins prevailed, but the aquatic macroinvertebrate community differs in relation to season. TDS and conductivity increased with the loss of water.